Thanks to @theskinnyconfidential for inspiring this blog post!
What does it mean when you are living your true authentic self? When you stop looking for people to approve of you, when you stop apologizing for being who you are? What does this look like and what does this feel like and are you doing this now or do you need to check yourself and realize that you’ve spent so much time apologizing for your authentic self?
And this is so important when it comes to branding yourself in real estate. You can use this understanding of your authentic self and living your authentic self to naturally brand you. If the branding you are putting out there is not coming naturally it may be because you are trying to emulate someone else or maybe you’re trying to fit into someone else’s mold.
Know this, some people won’t like the authentic you, BUT some people will absolutely fall in love with the authentic you, and those are the people you want to focus on and those are the people you want to work with!