So what is this buzz word “imposter syndrome” aka limiting beliefs all about and how does this even relate to a professional business owner like yourself?
It relates to every.freaking.decision you make! Those small decisions and small actions you make every day ultimately make up your business and become your life. When you are conscious of the stories you tell yourself, and your self talk, then you can talk yourself in or out of doing something. Likely, if you aren’t conscious of those subconscious thoughts, that are there to protect you BTW, then you won’t be able to get past them to see what amazing thing you can accomplish on the other side of your fears.
Start by recognizing how you and your thoughts handle situations. Listen to the words and stories you are telling yourself.
Ask yourself why did I not.... fill in the blank... it could be follow through on a project that in your heart you so badly wanted to do, go after those big listings, quit your job and follow your dream to pursue real estate full time, become your own agent and step away from the team. Is there a reoccurring answer?
once you start recognizing those limiting beliefs that are holding you back ask yourself “what else can be true”. And keeping asking yourself until you really can’t think of anything else.
This right here is the difference between a mediocre agent and an extraordinary real estate professional. ❤️